
07:30 AM-08:00 AM
08:00 AM-08:10 AM
Welcome, Opening Remarks and Disclosures
B. Rush Waller, MD, Chief Medical Officer
08:10 AM-09:05 AM
Cutting Through the Tongue Tie Debate
Anna Morad, MD
09:05 AM-10:00 AM
Common Pediatric and Adolescent Orthopedic Conditions
Derek Kelly, MD
10:00 AM-10:15 AM
10:15 AM-11:10 AM
More than Skin Deep: Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Disease in Children
Teresa Wright, MD
11:10 AM-12:05 PM
Dysphagia: Where Can Swallowing Go Wrong?
Price Edwards, MD
12:05 PM-01:00 PM
01:00 PM-01:10 PM
Outstanding Alumni Presentation
01:10 PM-02:05 PM
RSV and Emerging Therapeutics
Nick Hysmith, MD
02:05 PM-03:00 PM
Navigating the Digital Maze
Janani Narumanchi, MD
03:00 PM-03:15 PM
03:15 PM-04:15 PM
Etteldorf Keynote: Strategies for Communicating with Vaccine Hesitant Patients
Sean O’Leary, MD
04:15 PM-05:00 PM
Research Presentations
05:00 PM
Reception and Posters