Puberty Too Soon?

Puberty Too Soon?

Girls are starting puberty earlier - some as early as age 7 - according to a study published in the journal Pediatrics. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics study found that 15 percent of American girls now begin puberty by age 7.

So what does this mean? Robert Ferry, MD, medical director for Endocrine Services at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, shares his expertise on the recent trend.

What factors contribute to early puberty?
No one really knows why girls are starting puberty earlier, but some think it could be because girls are getting better nutrition. Obesity is a factor for some girls, but mainly girls are better nourished now than they were years ago. Some suspect hormones in the environment could play a roll, but it's not been proven.

What advice can you offer parents who are concerned that their girls are going through puberty at such a young age?
See your child's doctor who can run some tests like an X-ray of the hand to determine something called bone age. Bone age is the degree of maturation of the bones. During puberty, bone maturation accelerates.

Is there anything they can do to prevent it from happening too early?
There are medications to prevent its onset if it's pathological, but most girls don't need treatment.

Should parents be worried? Are there negative effects if a girl starts puberty early?
No. Some girls might be shorter if they start menstruation at an early age. Because early puberty can be awkward for girls, it can lead to social stress as well.

Most of the time, girls will be on the same track for menstruation and puberty as their mothers. If your daughter is going through puberty the same time you did, it's normal.

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