Leave your keys at home and participate in this year’s Commute Challenge!
The statistics are worth a challenge: in Memphis, over 80% of commuters drive alone to work; only 10% carpool, 1% take public transit, and 1% bike or walk. As we work together to change these statistics, we think a little fun is in order!
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital has partnered with Commute Options for their 2023 Commute Challenge and we’re bringing you events, prizes and excuse to shake up your commute during the month of May. All you have to do is tell us about your experience on social media!
Each week in May will focus on a specific challenge:
- MAY 15 - 21: BICYCLING
By joining the challenge, you become eligible to win prizes. During the four-week event, Commute Options will draw random winners weekly from those who posted a photo of themselves walking/rolling, carpooling, bicycling, or using public transit on social media, tagging Commute Options and #CommuteChallenge23. You’ll get double entries when you participate in the theme of the week and post carpool karaoke videos for carpool week. Prizes include gift cards to local shops and restaurants, Explore Bike Share passes, Groove on Demand passes, and Commute Options swag.
Additional partnerships, opportunities, and challenges will be announced throughout the month on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Hashtag: #CommuteChallenge23
Commute Options Tags:
- Facebook: Commute Options
- LinkedIn: Commute Options
- Instagram: @commutememphis
- Twitter: @commuteopsmem
Commute Options will have a grand prize drawing at the end of the month. In addition, all participants are invited to save the date for a fun wrap party on May 31 at Wiseacre Brewing Company OG, 2783 Broad Ave. Door prizes will be awarded.
For more information on Commute Options, fun partner events and prize details, visit https://www.commuteoptionsmemphis.com/blog/commute-challenge.