Services for children with special needs

We partner with a variety of organizations to ensure that children with special needs and their families have the resources they need. Below is a list of organizations in Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi that you might find helpful.

Services in Tennessee

Le Bonheur Outpatient Rehab Services

We offer a variety of rehabilitation and therapy services for newborns to teens. This includes physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, feeding and swallowing therapy, early intervention therapy services and audiology. We have a location in the Memphis medical district and one in Germantown.

Le Bonheur Early Intervention and Development (LEAD)

Le Bonheur Early Intervention and Development (LEAD) provides early intervention services for children ages birth to 3 years. Services are provided in homes and community-based child care centers. LEAD partners with the Tennessee Early Intervention System and is designated as an Early Intervention Resource Agency by Tennessee’s Department of Education.

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks is the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.

Bodine School

Bodine School is the only school in Tennessee that is solely committed to teaching children with dyslexia and other reading-related learning differences to read and succeed.

Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities

The Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities (BCDD) supports children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families through training, service, applied research, information dissemination, planning, and policy development.

Down Syndrome Association of Memphis and the Mid-South

The Down Syndrome Association of Memphis & the Mid-South is a support group for parents, families and friends of persons with Down syndrome. It provides information to patients and professionals, conducts educational meetings, hosts social events, provides a networking outlet to families, advocates for the rights of individuals with Down syndrome and provides support to families of individuals with Down syndrome.

LINC 211, Community Information and Referral

2-1-1 LINC is a comprehensive database of human service resources in the Memphis area. It is updated by the Memphis Public Library & Information Center.

Madonna Learning Center

Madonna Learning Center focuses on the cognitive, social, emotional, spiritual and physical developmental needs of children with disabilities. Students range in from 5 to 30 years of age. Building Independence Group is designed to be a transitional program for its participants, enabling them to learn and further develop independent life, employment and social skills. Madonna also provides individualized educational services.

Memphis Oral School for the Deaf

The Memphis Oral School for the Deaf works to empower deaf children to listen, learn, and talk. At MOSD, no sign language is used. Instead, the school uses speech and language therapies, audiological services and preschool classes to help profoundly deaf and hard-of-hearing children ages birth to 6 years old. These specialized techniques help the children develop the necessary listening and spoken language skills to become a part of, rather than apart from, a world of sound.

Mid-South Arc

Mid-South Arc offers programs and services for individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy and other developmental and intellectual disabilities.

Tennessee’s Early Intervention System (TEIS)

Tennessee's Early Intervention System is a voluntary educational program for families with children ages birth through 3 years with disabilities or developmental delay. Children with motor, communication, cognitive, social and adaptive delays may be eligible for special services.

Tennessee Department of Education, Division of Special Education

The Tennessee Department of Education, Division of Special Education, provides educational services and programs for children with special education needs to enable them to lead productive and independent lives. The division provides systematic planning along with plan implementation, tracking and accountability.

Tennessee Disability Pathfinder

Tennessee Disability Pathfinder is a statewide clearinghouse of disability-related resources and multilingual helpline. A library connects families to resources in the following areas: advocacy and law, art and recreation, assistive technology, disability etiquette, disaster and emergency preparation, education, employment, health care, housing, mental health, religion and spirituality, support and transportation.

Services in Mississippi

First Steps

First Steps, a program of the Mississippi State Department of Health, matches infants and toddlers who have developmental delays with professional resources within the community. The organization coordinates individual assessments and Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Project RUN

Project RUN, a program of the North Mississippi Regional Center, provides early intervention services to infants and children from birth to age 3 who are experiencing developmental delays, who have diagnoses known to be associated with developmental delay, or who have special needs that may delay their development.

Services in Arkansas

First Connections

The First Connection Program is a statewide system of services to assist infants and toddlers and their families. This program works with families on an individualized basis to assist in locating and coordination of service and assistance to enhance not only the child’s abilities but those of the family to assist their child.

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