Specialized Clinics

ULPS General Pediatric Clinic

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists is a partnership between the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) and Le Bonheur Children's Hospital. Our goal is to provide high-quality care for children ages newborn to 17 years of age. Prevention and wellness are our top priorities.

The General Pediatric Clinic is a resident training clinic. A resident is a medical doctor who is receiving further training to become a pediatrician.

Your child will be seen first by a resident physician. The resident will then discuss your child's medical history with a supervising pediatrician. Both will come back together to see and discuss the care of your child. 

Our Services:

  • Well-child care
  • Sick visits
  • Immunizations
  • School and sports physicals
  • Referrals to pediatric sub-specialists
  • Routine labs

Sick Visits and After-Hours Care

The General Pediatrics Clinic offers same- or next-day appointments for sick visits. To schedule a sick visit or to speak to one of our providers regarding an illness outside of our normal business hours, please call (901) 866-8815.

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Well Child Visit Schedule:

Age Appointment
3-5 days Check-up
2 weeks Check-up
2 months Check-up / Shots
4 months Check-up / Shots
6 months Check-up / Shots
9 months Check-up
12 months Check-up / Shots / Labs
15 months Check-up / Shots
18 months Check-up / Shots
2 years Check-up / Lead level
2 1/2 years Check-up
3 years Check-up
4 years Check-up / Shots
11 years Check-up / Shots
5-17 years Yearly Check-up


Our Pediatricians:

Complex Care Program

Le Bonheur’s Complex Care Program provides pediatric primary care for children with medical complexity. Your child will be cared for by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurse practioners, nurses, social workers and case managers who specialize in helping children with complex medical needs.

It is common for children that visit the Complex Care Clinic to have neurologic impairment and many use feeding tubes, tracheostomies or other medical devices. We work with families and other medical specialists, therapists, home health agencies and medical equipment companies to help
coordinate your child’s care.

Common conditions we treat include cerebral palsy, osteogenesis imperfecta, mitochondrial disorders and genetic syndromes like CHARGE or VACTERL.


Every child referred to the program is considered. Here is the criteria for program enrollment:

  • Neurologic problems with loss of function and physical disability
  • Serious chronic problems involving at least three organ systems
  • Medically fragile using several health care resources
  • Often they depend on technology such as feeding tubes and tracheostomies
  • Not cared for by a specific team (i.e. cystic fibrosis, transplants, pediatric cancer, etc.)
  • No chronic pain or mental health as primary diagnosis
  • Other cases can be considered on a referral basis
  • Under the age of 15 at time of enrollment (older children may be referred to a transition specialist)

We encourage all of our patients to use the patient portal for non-urgent communication.

Go to www.lebonheur.org and select MyChart at the top.

Many of our families find support through these organizations:

Contact General Pediatrics