Small Baby Unit

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The Small Baby Unit within our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) focuses on caring for the unique needs of the smallest babies. This unit is designed for babies meeting the following criteria:

  • Babies born before 32 weeks gestation
  • Babies with birthweight of less than 1500 grams (about three pounds)
  • Babies younger than 4 weeks of age

The Small Baby Unit utilizes minimal stimulation, specialized monitoring and maximum infection control measures to improve outcomes. Published studies show that these babies do better in a dedicated, high-level program like ours where the specially trained team provides evidence-based care.

Because the Small Baby Unit staff specializes in caring for tiny, fragile babies, they are uniquely equipped to deal with the complex needs of these babies. We work closely with families to help them learn about their babies and understand complex medical terminology and procedures. Families with babies in our Small Baby Unit have access to all of the services and multidisciplinary care in our NICU, including a full range of subspecialty physicians, lactation consultation, parent mentors and more.

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