Orthopaedics Fellowship Program

The Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Fellowship is designed to provide subspecialty training in all areas of pediatric orthopaedic surgery with one of the top pediatric orthopaedic teams in the country. The 12-month ACGME- and POSNA-accredited fellowship program combines clinical training and research, preparing surgeons for a career in both private practice and academic settings. Training locations include Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics in Memphis, Tenn., with academic appointments at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Derek Kelly, MD  is director of the fellowship program. Our Pediatric Orthopedic program has been recognized as one of the best in the country by US News and World Report. We are also a POSNA certified Safe Surgery Program in numerous categories.



The fellowship offers extensive exposure to pediatric conditions including:

Fellows supervise residents and participate in surgery daily. Fellows also spend approximately one half day per week seeing patients at Campbell Clinic with one of the staff physicians and attend a weekly case conference with the pediatric orthopaedic team. Learn more about the resources and opportunities for fellows in our program and check out research published by our fellows. Read about our former fellows.  

Goals of the fellowship program

  • Competency in evaluating and treating a multitude of pediatric orthopaedic problems
  • Extensive training and supervision in surgical techniques
  • Formulation of various post-injury and post-operative rehabilitation
  • Improvement and development of skills in lecturing, teaching, laboratory research, and publication

Contact us

Fellowship Program
Rosemary Bankston
Education Coordinator
Phone: 901-759-3274
Email:  rbanksto@uthsc.edu