Programs and Services

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Our Adult Congenital Heart Disease program offers a full range of inpatient and outpatient services, from medication management to surgical repair. Your care team will partner with you to determine the best choices for your cardiac care and management for any other chronic conditions you may be experiencing in your adult life.

Dr. Waller meets a patient in Adult Congenital Heart Disease Clinic.


For patients who have cardiac rhythm disorders, or arrhythmias, we offer the full range of diagnostic services and interventions to treat these conditions, including:

  • Short term and long term monitoring services include: EKG, Holter monitoring, implantable loop recorders
  • Electrophysiology studies to map the electrical conduction of the heart; cryo and radiofrequency ablation interventions
  • Pacemakers and implantable cardiac defibrillators
  • Anti-arrhythmia medications with continued monitoring for effective control

Cardiac Catheterization & Interventional Cardiology

Le Bonheur’s hybrid cardiac catheterization suite takes advantage of the latest technological advancements in diagnosing and treating complex heart disease, including:

  •  Angioplasty (ballooning)
  •  Stenting
  •  Valve procedures, including Melody valve

Non-Invasive Imaging

The Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program uses an IAC-accredited echocardiography lab, and also provides the latest in cardiac MRI imaging.

Cardiovascular Surgery

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The heart surgeons at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and Methodist University Hospital are experts in the full range of operations for congenital heart disease, including:

  • Valve repairs/replacements
  • Surgery of the aorta
  • Complex operations for single-ventricle patients

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