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Le Bonheur’s neuropsychologists evaluate patients who are having problems or changes in cognitive abilities, such as memory, concentration and problem solving. Patients with epilepsy, brain injury, cardiovascular illness and developmental delay are likely to be referred for a neuropsychological evaluation by their physician. Tests help better determine whether cognitive changes are symptoms of a neurologic illness, developmental delay or psychological condition.

The mission of the Department of Neuropsychology at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital is to provide exceptional comprehensive assessments to our patients and promote research in neuropsychology, by collaborating with families and physicians. Our services will help to identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses and track long‐term changes resulting from neurological illnesses, developmental delays, or psychological conditions. We will always strive to advocate for our patients and their families in a caring environment that is consistent with the values and ideals of Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare.

Le Bonheur neuropsychology only accepts patients through internal referrals. Talk to your Le Bonheur provider to see if a neuropsychology referral is the right choice for your child.

neuropsychology patient at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital

Preparing for a neuropsychological evaluation

  • Bring any required assistive devices such as eyeglasses or hearing aids.
  • Give your child prescribed medication.
  • Ensure a good night’s sleep.
  • Eat a balanced meal before the appointment. Your child may have a snack or lunch, as well.
  • Bring any previous testing (neuropsychological or psychoeducational) and/or a copy of your child’s IEP.

What to expect

There are three parts to a neuropsychological evaluation:

  1. Interview with the neuropsychologist. During this time, the parent/guardian will discuss your child’s medical history as well as academic and behavioral concerns. The neuropsychologist will also meet with your child to discuss similar concerns. This typically last 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  2. Neuropsychological testing. A certified psychological assistant will administer a range of tests covering intellectual functioning, academic skills, concentration, memory, language skills, etc. These tests can take the form of questions, pencil and paper tests and hands-on activities with blocks or puzzles. Depending on the concern, testing lasts two to five hours and a parent/guardian is required to remain onsite during testing.
  3. Feedback session. The neuropsychologist will discuss the results of the evaluation following testing and review any recommendations for your child.

Testing results

After the evaluation you will receive a copy of the verbal and written results mailed to your home as well as recommendations for accommodations at school and home to help your child perform better. The neuropsychologist may recommend a follow-up evaluation in one to two years if needed.


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