Community Programs

We believe we have a responsibility to partner with our community to promote and protect health and well-being. We are committed to providing evidence-based services and best practices for children and families and working with community partners to improve health. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at 901-287-4700. 



Risk Reduction for children and families

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Changing High-Risk Asthma in Memphis through
Partnership (CHAMP)

A program that targets asthma, the most chronic disease of childhood. Physicians, nurses, a respiratory therapist and community health educators teach and support families to better manage asthma and address the triggers that cause attacks. 

Child Injury Prevention

Safe Kids Mid-South works to prevent unintentional injuries to children. Programs and partnerships include proper use of child safety seats; safe transportation and safe sleep practices; water, pedestrian and firearm safety and other programs to raise awareness and promote safety to children and their families.

Mental Health Counseling - Trauma Clinic

Le Bonheur, UTHSC, the Brain Center at The University of Memphis and Urban Child Institute developed a program to provide mental health services to children who have experienced trauma. Mental health counselors help with healing and prevention of future trauma.

Splash Mid-South

Formed in 2008 after drowning deaths of two African American teens, Splash provides swim lessons and equipment. More than 5,000 children have taken swim lessons or completed water safety instruction. Partners include Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change at the University of Memphis, City of Memphis, Le Bonheur, Memphis Tiger Swimming, Rose Family Foundation, Safe Kids Mid-South and YMCA of Memphis and the Mid-South.

Community HIV Network

A network of programs providing counseling and testing, risk reduction and education, case management, navigation and care for individuals at-risk for, infected with and affected by HIV or AIDS.

Congregational Health Network (CHN)

A network dedicated to improving health and well-being by increasing access to medical care and social services within church communities. Navigators work alongside pastors and congregational liaisons of all faiths to identify and address health needs and concerns of their congregations and surrounding communities.

Healthy Lifestyle Network

A hospital-based multidisciplinary program that helps obese children and adolescents reduce and manage their weight. Includes partnerships with schools, parks and recreation facilities, community centers and local government to develop sustainable wellness programs.

Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Addresses the needs of high-risk patients/community members diagnosed with or at-risk for Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Works to improve self- management of diabetes, reduce A1C values, improve school or work attendance, and decrease preventable hospital stays.

Tax Impact Project (TIP)

Partners include Le Bonheur, Porter Leath’s Early Success Coalition and United Way of the Mid-South. Provides free tax preparation to individuals who are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).

Safe Kids Mid-South/ Child Injury Prevention

Safe Kids Mid-South works to prevent accidental injuries to children. Programs and partnerships include proper installation and use of child safety seats; safe transportation and safe sleep practices; water safety; pedestrian safety in school zones; sports safety for athletes, coaches and parents and many other programs to raise awareness and promote safety to children and their families.

Intervention to promote healthy child development and support for effective parenting



Breastfeeding Clinic

Professional lactation consultants work with mothers in Le Bonheur Pediatrics Clinics to improve breastfeeding experience by evaluating the baby’s breastfeeding and offering advice. Consultants offer general support, encouragement and evidence-based information to the mother and family.

Family Resilience Initiative

A multidisciplinary collaboration that assesses for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Provides wrap-around services to build resilience and prevent ACEs within a trauma- informed setting with community partners to address needs.

Le Bonheur Early Intervention and Development (LEAD)

Works with children ages 0-3 to enhance developmental growth, improve independence and empower daily caregivers to become advocates

LENA Start

To help close the word gap in children ages 0 to 30 months, Le Bonheur, Seeding Success, the University of Memphis and the Urban Child Institute partner on LENA Start, a small group program for parents to educate about the importance of early, quality talk to promote brain development.

Healthy Families America

A home visitation service for young mothers, following children from birth through the age of five years. Following the nationally recognized, evidence-based Healthy Families America model, home visitors work with families who are at risk for adverse childhood experiences.

Nurse Family Partnership

An evidence-based home visitation program that has shown improvements in pregnancy outcomes, the health, well-being and self-sufficiency of low-income, first-time parents and their children. Women are enrolled prenatally and receive regular visits by a nurse until the child’s second birthday.

Child Developmental Services

A group of programs to support families, child care centers and partner agencies who have young children with developmental, health, medical or behavioral needs. Services are provided in homes, school, child care centers and other community facilities.

School-Based Therapy

Services include universal speech and language screenings for pre-K and kindergarten children, direct therapy, consultation with other service providers, evaluation and assessment, assistance in the development and implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans and professional development for parents and educators.

Early Intervention

A program that helps families support their children with special needs to reach their developmental potential. Services include developmental, occupational, physical and speech therapy as well as support of a board-certified behavior analyst for families who qualify for the Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS).

Inclusion Support

A program that provides assistance to parents, early child care educators within licensed child care centers and family child care homes to ensure that children with chronic and complex medical/ developmental needs have a successful early childhood education experience.

Child Care Resource & Referral Center

The Shelby County affiliate of a statewide program provides training and technical assistance to child care providers and helps parents seeking child care find the best fit for their unique situations and needs.

Literacy Initiative at Le Bonheur

Program to help promote reading and literacy by distributing books to children at doctor's appointments and promoting reading out loud daily to children. 

Promote the health and well-being of families through community partnerships demonstrating both sustainability and impact


Project SEARCH

A hospital-based program for recent graduates from special education classrooms in Shelby County. The skills development program integrates classroom instruction with hands-on training and work experience. Interns rotate through hospital departments and learn skills intended to lead them to paid employment

School Health Program

Le Bonheur nurses provide health related services and education to students and staff in every Tipton County School and in some charter and independent schools in Shelby County. Le Bonheur, Memphis – Shelby County Schools and Urban Child Institute piloted a successful five year program to demonstrate the effectiveness of having a nurse in every school. Nurses also provide chronic disease management, first aid and health-related education as well as helping children connect to a pediatrician.

West Tennessee Delta Rural Health Initiative

A group of programs in 20 rural West Tennessee counties focused on uninsured and underinsured children and families with, or at risk for, chronic disease.

Le Bonheur on the Move

A mobile medical unit follows an enhanced medical home model by serving as a connection to a primary care provider within communities having limited access to medical support.

Behavioral Health Care Navigation

Community Health Navigators work to reduce barriers that keep patients from getting timely treatment by identifying needs and providing direction to sources of emotional, financial, administrative or cultural support.

RN Health Education

A program that provides one-on-one health education for overweight, obese or at-risk children ages 10-18 years.

Memphis CHILD

A medical-legal partnership between Le Bonheur Children’s, The University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, Memphis Area Legal Services and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center to identify legal and social issues that impact health and provides the means to address these issues through direct legal services, education and advocacy for children and their families. 

Memphis/Shelby County Healthy Homes Partnership (HHP)

A community partnership of local health, housing and legal services agencies working collaboratively to reduce the impact of home environmental hazards and substandard housing and develop a shared system for program referrals and data. 

Comprehensive Regional Pediatric Center

As the region’s only comprehensive children’s hospital, Le Bonheur provides education and training for adult hospitals across Tennessee on ways to care for the unique needs of pediatric patients.

Supporting & Healing Individuals from Trauma (SHIFT)

Hospital-based Violence Intervention Program assists Le Bonheur patients and families who have been impacted by violence. A multidisciplinary team identifies the needs of children and families and connects them with wraparound services including mental health counseling, housing assistance, mentorship and other resources. Funded by the City of Memphis and other grant funds, families are enrolled in the program for up to a year.